November 1999 UK connectivity report from serveurDEDIE

Description of the data collection process here.


Our reliability graphic displays the percentage of packet loss on the left axis (cyan bars) i.e. 100 - packet loss %. On the right axis (blue points) we display the availability percentage i.e. 100 - unreachable % (unreachable result is attained when none of the 15 probe packets are returned). Therefore the longer the bars and the upper the points, the better.

The November results are not as good as October ones. Main changes this month: Inweb, Claranet-UK, Intensive, BT-UK and Colt-UK are measured with an increased performance. On the other hand INSnet-EU (because of a high unreachable rate), Ftech and Demon are going down.



Our roundrip graphic displays the mean roundtrip time in milli-seconds. This graphic should not be read and analysed alone but with the availability chart above. Alone this chart does not mean much.

Nothing special except the roundtrip increase of GX-Networks.

TBS is an internet consulting company. We can provide such connectivity measurements for your server. Don't hesitate to contact us.
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Revision date: 5 dec 1999