October 1999 UK connectivity report from serveurDEDIE

Description of the data collection process here.


Our reliability graphic displays the percentage of packet loss on the left axis (cyan bars) i.e. 100 - packet loss %. On the right axis (blue points) we display the availability percentage i.e. 100 - unreachable % (unreachable result is attained when none of the 15 probe packets are returned). Therefore the longer the bars and the upper the points, the better.

As this is the first release of those statistics, we are not able to provide a full length commentary of the results. As most readers are not used to our publications yet, we would like to recall that all this content is protected under the French copyright laws. Please check our copyright terms. No reproduction even partial allowed. We are selling licence rights for reproduction and access to the raw data. Please contact us for a quote.

On the reliability chart we see that there are a few operators well over 99% transmitted packets, which is pretty good. Its a surprise to find Janet among them; in other countries university networks tend to have lower performance than commercial networks. All measured networks but one were displayed (5597-Intensive did not match the minimum results); we don't display operators with less than 94% of transmitted packets.



Our roundrip graphic displays the mean roundtrip time in milli-seconds. This graphic should not be read and analysed alone but with the availability chart above. Alone this chart does not mean much.

This chart shows the US to UK roundtrip is probably the best among European countries! This is due to short fiber paths on one hand, and large amount of bandwitdh on the other.

TBS is an internet consulting company. We can provide such connectivity measurements for your server. Don't hesitate to contact us.
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© TBS-internet, 1999, all rights reserved. No reproduction, copy or mirroring allowed.
Revision date: 1 nov 1999
URL: http://www.serveurDEDIE.com/stats/UK/rapports/199910/main.html